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Interview with Dr. David Slavit

In 2009, I conducted an audio interview of renowned otolaryngologist Dr. David Slavit in New York City.  I asked him questions about when to see a voice doctor, about vocal cord injury, what to do in a situation when the stage director is telling the singer or actor to scream, and so on.   I asked him what kinds of vocal cord issues he saw most frequently in his office and he said two main types: 1) those singers forcing the chest voice up too high on a regular basis, and 2) singers in choirs who were singing the wrong vocal part, such as a soprano singing the alto part, or a bass singing a tenor part.  I was fascinated by this, as I have also worked with many singers and actors who have suffered vocally from either or both of these aspects of vocal misuse.  Take a moment to listen to these short audio clips below.  

Dr. Slavit on Vocal HealthDr. David Slavit
00:00 / 01:22
Dr. Slavit on Basic Vocal TechniqueDr. David Slavit
00:00 / 00:44
Dr. Slavit on Vocal InjuriesDr. David Slavit
00:00 / 00:33
Dr. Slavit on Voice Rest, doctorDr. David Slavit
00:00 / 00:49

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